It’s been so long since 12th Grade when I so joyfully attended your English lectures, looking forward to seeing you every alternate day at 11am. You’d walk in, always with a book in your hand, a wonderful quote on your lips, & a gust of passion for English in your eyes.

I think the main reason I fell for you, was that you taught my most favourite subject in the most unique way. Your love for words, books & classic literary art was so overwhelmingly beautiful, that it inspired me to fall in love with English every step of the way. Having a young professor who’s handsome, well-read & so approachable isn’t a luxury that every girl gets. Just like me, there were hundreds of students who’s heart you’d stolen, yet nobody admired you the way I did.

As you pulled us into your world of Shakespeare, Austen & Hemingway every class, I found myself appreciating you more & more. Unlike the other girls in the class who’d just gape at you for your looks, I respected your intellect & passion more. Discussions with you about symbolisms & literary works were the highlight of my day. My massive crush on you did me more good than harm. I’d study really hard to make sure I get the most impressive grades, I’d write alot to improve my vocabulary & expression & ofcourse, read more & more to be able to talk to you.

Your flattering looks combined with your wit & knowledge often made it difficult to focus in your classes too, while I spent those hours gazing at how perfect you were. Having an affinity for older, mature men is common, & it’s extremely common to feel that for your favourite teacher too. But it’s safe to say my feelings for you were far more than just a temporary crush. I was & will always be truly, madly & deeply in awe of the person you are, & the person your influence made me.

I don’t know if you knew how I felt about you, although it’s hard to believe that you had no idea. This letter of admiration will never reach you, because sometimes, love is best when it’s at a distance, tucked away in the back corner of the classroom.

With love,
Your sincerest student.

Disclaimer: Any opinion expressed in this post are the personal views of the author. They do not reflect the views of Any omissions or errors are the author’s and WriteFluence does not assume any liability or responsibility for them.

2 responses to “To The Teacher Who Had My Heart”

  1. Excellent tribute Aashvi. Such teachers draw you out of nowhere, elevate and place you on a different level. Yes, the tribe of such teachers is few and far between. I can relate to your narrative very well as me too had interactions, or was rather blessed, with such a rare breed of English teachers. They have exuberant passion about words, books and involuntarily they rub it on their students. Yes, true that the student too should be open to share that enjoyment. Good writing 👍

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