In the bustling metropolis of Mumbai, life often feels like a whirlwind of relentless energy and constant movement. Amid the daily chaos, our personal lives sometimes mirror this unpredictability.

This is my epic saga, a rollercoaster ride of emotional “unfaithfulness” that has really put our trust and loyalty to the test in this thing called marriage. I reside in a high-rise pad in Andheri, just a stone’s throw away from the ever-bustling Western Express Highway. My partner-in-crime, Raj, and I have been on this wild ride for over a decade, sharing dreams, laughter, and the occasional battle of wits. We’re just your typical duo, trying to juggle work and play, and let me tell you, it’s a circus. Raj is a marketing hotshot, always burning the midnight oil, while I play the ultimate balancing act, juggling my career as a freelance wordsmith and the chaos of our domestic life.

Photo by Julia Larson on

Our crew is super diverse and lively, with a mix of long-time buds and new pals. One of these new pals is Meera. She’s super charming, brainy, and always the soul of the shindig. We got to know Meera a few months back at a friend’s get-together, and since then, she’s been hanging out with us a lot. Meera’s presence has brought a delightful energy to our gatherings, and her witty sense of humor keeps everyone entertained. She’s always up for an adventure and has introduced us to new experiences and activities. With her around, it feels like there’s never a dull moment, and we’ve all come to cherish her friendship.

At first, I thought her company was great. She seemed engaging, witty, and shared a love for literature, just like Raj and I. However, as time went on, I couldn’t help but notice subtle changes in her behavior around Raj. It all started with the way her eyes would light up when he entered the room, the lingering touches on his arm, and the private jokes that excluded me. I tried to dismiss these signs as paranoia, telling myself that I was just overthinking everything.

But then, during a dinner party at our place, I saw something that unsettled me. Meera was sitting next to Raj, their heads close together, whispering and laughing. It wasn’t the laughter that bothered me, but the way she looked at him—an expression that was far too tender for comfort. This made me wonder if Meera had a soft corner for my husband.

The days that followed were like a rollercoaster of doubt and fear, leaving me questioning my own sanity. I mean, was I just experiencing some serious FOMO, or was I turning into a paranoid spy? Every time I caught Meera and Raj in each other’s company, my heart did a dramatic eye roll. It was like watching the start of a new romantic comedy, except this one seemed to be heading towards a plot twist of epic proportions – I could already hear the melodramatic soundtrack playing in the background.

Emotional infidelity is a tricky concept. It’s not as blatant as a physical affair, yet it can be equally damaging. It’s the sharing of intimate thoughts, feelings, and connections that should be reserved for your partner. It’s the betrayal of trust, the sense that your partner is emotionally invested in someone else.

I decided to confront Raj. One evening, as we sat on our balcony overlooking the city lights, I told him how I felt. I explained my concerns, my fears, and the hurt that had been gnawing at me. To my relief, Raj listened. He assured me that his feelings for Meera were purely platonic and that he hadn’t realized how his actions might be perceived.

We had a long conversation about boundaries and the importance of maintaining emotional exclusivity in our marriage. Raj promised to be more mindful, to ensure that our relationship remained the priority. We agreed to spend more quality time together, to reconnect and rekindle the intimacy that sometimes gets lost in the daily grind.

As for Meera, our interactions with her have become like a carefully choreographed dance. I still see her at social gatherings, but now I come equipped with an invisible hula hoop to establish my personal space. It’s not about building a moat around our castle or sending her to a deserted island, but about ensuring that our marriage remains the VIP section of our lives.

Living in a bustling metropolis such as Mumbai, it is all too simple to become ensnared in the whirlwind of social engagements and lose sight of what truly holds significance. Emotional infidelity poses a genuine threat, stealthily creeping in unnoticed. It is imperative to maintain a watchful stance, engage in open communication with your partner, and cultivate the bond that binds you together.

In the end, this experience has significantly strengthened our marriage. It served as a powerful reminder of the crucial elements of trust, communication, and emotional fidelity. Our journey together demands ongoing dedication and focus, yet every effort is undeniably worthwhile. Within the heart of this vibrant city, amid the clamor and disorder, I have cultivated a profound and unwavering bond with the man I cherish.

Written by Shubha Singh

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