We are delighted to announce the results of the contest, and we commend all participants for their efforts and dedication to the art of story writing.


And the winners are… (in alphabetical order)

  • Linda Hibbin
  • Saul Sandoval
  • Ektaa Rupani
  • Rishika Ranjan
  • Shailly Jindal
  • Steve Wade
  • Elvira Fernandez

Congratulations everyone!

All winners will receive an email from WriteFluence soon. Our book editing and production process will begin after all winners have accepted the terms and conditions for the publication.

Deadline to accept the terms: November 15, 2023

All winners will be sent a certificate of publication once the book is released.

Attn Winners: Kindly click on the link to accept the terms and conditions for the publication.

Happy WriteFluencing!

Note from the Editorial Team and Jury:

We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated in the contest. Your dedication to the craft of writing is inspiring.

To those who did not win the story contest, we would like to extend our sincere appreciation for your participation and effort. The competition was tough, and the quality of the entries was exceptional, making the judging process incredibly challenging.

We understand that receiving a rejection or not being selected as a winner can be disappointing and disheartening, but we want to encourage you to keep writing and never give up on your passion. Writing is a journey, and every piece you create, whether it wins a contest or not, is an opportunity to improve your craft and develop your voice as a writer. One of the best ways to improve your writing is to continue reading and writing regularly. Reading widely exposes you to different styles, genres, and techniques, while writing frequently helps you refine your own voice and develop your own unique style.

Above all, never lose sight of the joy and fulfillment that writing brings you. Whether or not you win a contest or receive recognition for your work, the act of creating and sharing your stories is a reward in itself. It’s essential to remember that not winning a contest does not mean your writing is not good enough. It is simply a matter of personal taste, and the judges’ decision is not a reflection of your talent or potential.

We encourage you to take this as an opportunity to learn and grow from the experience. Receiving feedback and constructive criticism can help you identify areas where you can improve and develop your skills as a writer.

So keep writing, keep growing, and keep sharing your stories with the world. We look forward to seeing your future works and wish you all the best in your writing journey.

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our very first issue of WriteFluence Magazine – a haven for literary enthusiasts and a platform dedicated to celebrating the art of the written word. As we embark on this exciting journey, we cordially invite you to be a part of our inaugural issue and contribute your unique voices to the world of literature.

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