Are you ready to showcase your writing skills and share your unique voice with a larger audience? We are thrilled to invite you to participate in the May Blogathon contest on our website!

This is an awesome chance to mingle with fellow writers, get noticed, and if you snag the prize, a killer trophy is waiting for you!

What is the Blogathon?

The Blogathon is a monthly writing contest hosted by WriteFluence. It’s designed to encourage creativity, foster community, and give writers a platform to share their work.

How to Enter:

  • Read the contest guidelines and submit your entry using the buttons at the bottom of this post.
  • The submission deadline is May 20th, so don’t miss out.
  • Submission Fee ₹500/- (participants can submit up to 3 entries in one fee)
  • Each entry must be in the English language, original and unpublished.
  • Minimum word count: 300 words
  • Writers must be a resident of India of 10 years and above.

Prizes and Recognition:

  • Winner of the Blogathon (Editorial Choice) will receive a trophy from WriteFluence and an e-certificate
  • The blog with the most reads/likes/comments will win the Reader’s Choice for the month. (e-certificate)
  • All participants will receive an e-certificate of participation.

We’re looking forward to reading your submissions and discovering new Indian writing talent. Remember, the key to success is creativity and originality. Write from the heart and let your imagination soar.

Happy writing! We can’t wait to see what you come up with for the May Blogathon!

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12 responses to “Blogathon – May 2024”

  1. […] Hit the Like button at the bottom of this post if you like this article and help the writer qualify for a win in our Blogathon event […]


  2. […] Hit the Like button at the bottom of this post if you like this article and help the writer qualify for a win in our Blogathon event […]


  3. […] Hit the Like button at the bottom of this post if you like this article and help the writer qualify for a win in our Blogathon event […]


  4. […] Hit the Like button at the bottom of this post if you like this article and help the writer qualify for a win in our Blogathon event […]


  5. […] Hit the Like button at the bottom of this post if you like this article and help the writer qualify for a win in our Blogathon event […]


  6. […] Hit the Like button at the bottom of this post if you like this article and help the writer qualify for a win in our Blogathon event […]


  7. […] Hit the Like button at the bottom of this post if you like this article and help the writer qualify for a win in our Blogathon event […]


  8. […] Hit the Like button at the bottom of this post if you like this article and help the writer qualify for a win in our Blogathon event […]


  9. […] Hit the Like button at the bottom of this post if you like this article and help the writer qualify for a win in our Blogathon event […]


  10. […] Hit the Like button at the bottom of this post if you like this article and help the writer qualify for a win in our Blogathon event […]


  11. […] Hit the Like button at the bottom of this post if you like this article and help the writer qualify for a win in our Blogathon event […]


  12. […] Hit the Like button at the bottom of this post if you like this article and help the writer qualify for a win in our Blogathon event […]


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