We started our journey on November 21, 2020 with just one thing in mind – creating a writer’s community on Instagram. We connected manually (organically, in the words and worlds of social media) with a few writers and asked for support. We saw some kind response and it obviously gave us the push to continue doing what we were doing! Since then we have attempted to slowly spread our wings. We got our website, we are on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIN.

On our Instagram feed, a few days ago – we asked writers if they would be interested in participating in a writing contest; because let’s admit it – we writers love contests! Contests help us learn and grow into a larger community. Yet, we shy away from participating in them if we anticipate a con behind the registration fees for the story submissions.

So a decision was made – no Registration fees for PenFluenza!

The next big thing about a story writing contest, is the jury. A good writer will always agree with us that the jury is even more important than the registration fees or the prizes associated with a contest. Can you imagine being judged for your writing by someone, not credible enough?

So while we are still busy preparing the icing for our half-baked cake, read this blog and you’ll know how you are in good hands with PenFluenza***

***Contest details to be announced soon.

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