Alipi Das is a voracious reader and a passionate writer. Her inclination is towards classics, the Victorian era of Charles Dickens and the Bronte sisters, though she reads books of all genres. She is an active member of various writing clubs and enjoys her passion. Her works have been selected in some of the online competitions and published on their websites and magazines. Her short stories have been featured in anthologies and published in Amazon Kindle and paperback.
She also loves painting and travelling. Cooking, listening to music, and dancing are her stress busters. She is also an avid film aficionado. Humor and positive thinking are the mantras of her life.

The relevant themes that the team delves into touches a chord and the creative juices of a writer pours out. The thought process flows, and one enjoys the passionate art of storytelling. I’m elated that my work got selected and featured out of so many talented writers. Thank you, dear team, for this wonderful opportunity.

Alipi Das, on her experience writing for FemmeFluenza

Here’s an excerpt out of her winning story ‘The Perennial Colourful Thread’ that’s now published in ‘Out of My Box’

It is not one short story, but a collection of short stories united by a single familiar thread. In our childhood, we loved to listen to the fairy tales that our grandmas narrated to us. It always ended, And the prince and the princess lived happily ever after. It concluded with a blissful ending, and the child in us slept peacefully, dreaming of the fairyland and the happy life; ever after. Did the real-world ever be that one lucky, charming fairyland? From the grandmas’ times to the present day, did anything change drastically?

Let us find out.

By the way, let me introduce myself; I am a freelance writer searching for plots to develop my fiction, and the moment I look around, I squeal, “Oh! It is everywhere; I need to scratch the surface to visualize the naked truth.”

Tani is a qualified professional but an introvert. Her parents are desperately trying to fix an appropriate alliance for her.

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