I know you exist.

And I see you when you ask me for my opinions on how to deal with problems in your life, and then take the suggestions I make. When you open up to me, and don’t hide your vulnerabilities. When you encourage me to fulfill my ambitions. When you look at my face instead of my cleavage in a meeting. When you split the bill on a date. When you don’t pick your relationships based on a woman’s past.

And when you get angry if someone judges a woman for drinking, or smoking, or wearing what she wants, or staying out late, or whatever else it is that people judge women for. I see all of it!! And so today I want to thank each of you, for showing me what a man is supposed to be like. I want you to know that I’ve noticed what you do, that I value who you are, and that you’ve made an impeccable difference in my life.

man and happy woman greeting each other with fist bump

You play a crucial role in my feminism. Maybe you know it, maybe you don’t. But, today, I want to tell you that I’m the independent woman that I am because you never expected less of me.

I know it’s not easy for you to rise above the world’s expectations and hold yourselves to a higher standard of doing ‘nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit,’ but rather, in humility and valuing others above yourselves. You, who will never raise your voice, even when you are seething with anger. You, who will never make a decision for a woman because you know that it’s not your place, or anybody else’s’, but hers. And you, whose hands quiver even at the very thought of raising your hands on a woman.

To you, all I want to say is that I’m sorry because I’m well aware that the majority is not the rule, and you’re an example of that. I’m sorry because your voice is silenced by the collective fear and hatred we have for men who still sit high on their throne of patriarchy and chauvinism. You don’t attribute emotions, desires, control, ambition, failures, weaknesses or strengths to gender because you know that these aren’t correlated.

Yes, you play a crucial role in my feminism. Maybe you know it, maybe you don’t. But, today, I want to tell you that I’m the independent woman that I am because you never expected less of me.

So, here’s to men of strength, vulnerability, hope, character, and love. Here’s to men who unlearn patriarchal thoughts. And here’s to men who are everything the world needs.

-Shivangi Kharbanda

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One response to “To All The Supportive Men Out There,”

  1. Very relatable


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