When everything is going wrong, it’s hard to believe in miracles. When there’s not enough food to eat and relationships are in turmoil, it’s not easy to wait for the good days. When life’s gummed up and sleep becomes an escape, it’s difficult to be positive about the prospect of good days.

Yes, it’s not easy to close your eyes and work every day — not at least if one has worked and worked and worked already.

What if the hard work never pays off? What if the wait is just a way to lie to yourself that you can still succeed? What if life passes by with just a chase to happiness but never really feeling that happy feeling? What if there’s no real thing as patience?

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There are so many questions, right?? And, the mind, hammered with negative thoughts, does wander to these questions. But at the same time, it also goes to places where you’ve shown your magic. The mind also sees the countless examples of your true power. And that’s when it trusts you. That’s when it believes in patience!!

Life doesn’t seem to spit out exactly what we want it to at a certain time, but it’s all for your benefit. Yes, you may feel very discouraged because everything isn’t moving at your pace, or you may feel as if what you want may never reach you, but it will in due time. And I promise you that you’ll eventually realize there was a reason why you waited for so long.

So, just take one step at a time, and look all around you. Look at all those great things that are happening in that moment, and be thankful that you’re still alive to witness it. Patience is like magic for the ordinary, and so one must understand that the key to an abundant life is to be patient with what is required to get you to where you want to be…🤍

-Shivangi Kharbanda

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